About Us

Founded in 2001, God called a group of people to start a new work…..

This new work was to begin in Hopkins County, Kentucky. Led by Bro Chuck Evans, the first meeting was in an office building on Center Street in Madisonville. With a love of God and a willingness to follow His leading, a course was charted for a new church. This journey began without all the makings of a church – no building, no pews, no songbooks – BUT GOD. Our church is called Faith because without our Faith in God and His provisions, our church wouldn’t be what it is today.

The first church building was on Anton Rd. The Lord sent blessing after blessing and moved in ways too numerous to count. All the necessities we lacked in the beginning were provided, but after a few years in this location, the church building was to be sold for a road project in the area.

With an uncertain future, our Pastor urged us to pray for God’s guidance in a new property, the right property.

And then….God provided yet again! All our new needs were provided for and construction began on our new church – our current church.

Our first Sunday worship at our church was held January 11, 2003. Through the years since Faith Missionary Baptist Church began, God has done great and mighty things! We’ve seen lives changed, souls saved, and we believe God isn’t finished with us yet! We are trusting He will continue the work He’s started and continue to use us to bring revival to our area.