Where life and faith meet

We are a people dedicated to helping people find and develop their relationship with Jesus Christ. We have a variety of ministries, classes, and activities for all ages! God is doing big things in our church! We invite you to come and see for yourself what a life at Faith is all about.

About us

Founded in 2001, God called a group of people to start a new work…..

This new work was to begin in Hopkins County, Kentucky. Led by Bro Chuck Evans, the first meeting was in an office building on Center Street in Madisonville. With a love of God and a willingness to follow His leading, a course was charted for a new church. This journey began without all the makings of a church – no building, no pews, no songbooks – BUT GOD. Our church is called Faith because without our Faith in God and His provisions, our church wouldn’t be what it is today.

Praise and Worship

Our Services

Our services feature a contemporary style worship, including a praise team leading us in current worship songs with a splash of familiar favorites

Sunday School

10 am

Classes for all ages:
2nd-5th Grades
Young Adults
New Members

Nursery available

Sunday Morning

11 am

Nursery and Children’s Church available

Sunday Evening

6 pm

Nursery available

Wednesday Evening

7 pm

Children’s Church available


A summer camp for youths in 6th-12th grades to be refreshed, challenged, and strengthened in their Christian walk and relationship with God

Camp 2024 was held June 23-28th at Hurricane Camp in Marion, Kentucky. Camp 2025 info will be available at a later date.

What We Believe


We believe that there is one God existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
(1 John 5:7-8)


We believe the Bible to be the written by man but fully God-breathed, without error in its original form. As such, it is infallible – “God said it, and that settles it.”
(2 Timothy 3:16-17)


We believe that Jesus died for our sins. We believe the only way to be saved is to accept the atoning sacrifice of Jesus, to repent and accept Him as your Savior
(Romans 10:9-10)

Great Commission

We believe we are share the Gospel with everyone, reaching others for Jesus
(Matthew 28:19-20)

Holy Spirit

We believe the Holy Spirit indwells in believers and acts to guide, direct, and empower the believer for godly living and service
(John 14:16-17)

Upcoming at Faith

February 6


February 9

Women’s Bible Study

February 9

Super Bowl Fellowship

February 16

JAM Kids

February 16

Women’s Bible Study

February 20


February 21-23

Youth Winter Retreat

February 23

Women’s Bible Study

Give online!

Our People

Bro Chuck Evans


Brandon Cates

Music Ministry

Teresa Eden

Women’s Ministry

Isaac Evans

Men’s Ministry

Austin Crook

Men’s Ministry

Pam Ferrell

Youth Ministry

Cindy Clark

Children’s Ministry

Can’t join us in person?

Find us online!